Downtown Shifts into Growth Mode, Says Downtown Partnership

From new businesses choosing a Downtown location and current businesses recommitting to Downtown with a new lease or investment, to new development announcements, bourbonism, conventions, and new events, Downtown Louisville is making the shift from recovery mode and preparing for growth, reports the Louisville Downtown Partnership. In 2022:

  • 46 new businesses opened in the Downtown area with 15 announced for 2023

  • 11 projects were officially completed in 2022 with a $284 million investment

  • More than 50 projects are either under way or announced with an investment of more than $1.1 billion

  • 3.4 million visits to attractions in Downtown

  • 540,675 people attended a Bourbon distillery experience in 2022, exceeding the 2019 record attendance by more than 116,000 people

  • 880,234 convention-goers attended a conference or event in Downtown with an estimated economic impact of $176 million

  • 46% less car break-ins and 33% less thefts in the Downtown area than in 2019

With notable projects underway such as the Louisville Gardens, Dream Hotel, Waterfront Park Phase IV, Derby City Gaming, Derby City Hotel, and Number 15, the data shows that Downtown is healthy and vibrant with even more on the horizon for 2023.

“The momentum is palpable and with more people on the street and going to restaurants, shows, and attractions, we know 2023 will be an even better year,” said Rebecca Fleischaker, executive director of Louisville Downtown Partnership. “We look forward to attracting new development projects and incentives, expanding our beautification programs and public art opportunities, and supporting services to advance Downtown’s vitality.”

Louisville Downtown Management District (LDMD), one of the two organizations under the Louisville Downtown Partnership umbrella, meets quarterly to discuss Downtown cleanliness, safety, and beautification through its programs, projects and budgets.

The LDMD Board of Directors is comprised of business and property owners and managers, residents, and community representatives dedicated to promoting Downtown’s quality of life by creating a safe, clean and enjoyable environment. All LDMD meetings are open to the public. The 2023 meeting schedule can be viewed at

Kevin Gibson

Writer/author based in Louisville, Ky.


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