The Taste Bud: Madison’s Dive Gem, Off-Broadway Taproom
While in Madison, Ind., recently, my fiancee and I were having a tough time deciding where to have dinner. A happenstance encounter led us to the right place.

Corbet’s Cabin: the Waffle House at the Top of the World
More than 10,000 feet up, atop Rendezvous Mountain in Jackson, Wyoming, is probably one of the best waffle places in America: Corbet’s Cabin.

Bluegrass Pizza and Pub in Danville: Tasty Stop While Seeking Bourbon
Took a day trip recently to Danville, Ky., for a distillery experience and a walk around the Centre College campus on a blustery day. The pizza place we discovered as we decided on lunch was a surprising highlight: Bluegrass Pizza and Pub.