April 1: Local Woman Tired of Being Asked for Money Launches GoFundYourself.com
The name says it all.
Going back six years to 2016 for this LEO Fake Issue classic. Remember, folks, this is not real.
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Tired of receiving ongoing requests for pledges to fund everything from food-truck startups to new recordings by local bands, Germantown resident Tara Darby has launched a new venture which helps educate fledgling organizations, entrepreneurs, artists, etc., on how to raise funds for their new business or concept without asking for financial help from others.
Darby launched GoFundYourself.com last week, and so far has received positive responses.
“The site is basically a learning tool for people who need money for their project or start-up,” Darby says. “Last year, I got a request from a college friend I hadn’t seen in probably eight years to pledge $100 to help him start a brewery. Rather than give him money, I gave him suggestions such as saving up money from each paycheck or getting a part-time job.
“That’s how Go Fund Yourself was conceived.”
Darby says that in just the first week, web traffic for Go Fund Yourself had grown to more than 1,000 unique visitors per day, and downloads of do-it-yourself Go Fund Yourself e-books are trending upward. She also has seen a lot of activity in the site’s comments section, such as, “Somebody had to say it!”, “Go ‘Fund’ Yourself is right,” and “I can’t wait to send this link to my step-brother and his stupid newgrass band. Let them buy their own damn mandolins and overalls.”
“I’m really surprised and pleased by the response,” Darby says. “I think what I feel most proud of is that I did this on my own, so I’m a living testament that you can achieve something without asking other people for money. The next time someone sends you a GoFundMe or Kickstarter request so they can open a coffee shop or adopt a cat, just say these three words: Go Fund Yourself. I think that says it all.”