Classic Content: The Broken Hand
A little over 10 years ago, I broke my hand while playing music. It went something like this.

Classic Content: The incredible edible quail egg
The quail egg shooter, or uzura, is a fine addition to any sushi meal — assuming you can bring yourself to eat raw eggs.

Classic Content: Elvis Still Dead
Reports out of Memphis today confirmed the worst: Elvis Presley is still dead.

Classic Content: That Time When Beyoncé (May Have) Stiffed B-Dubs
Louisvillians flocked to the Yum! Center to see Beyonce in 2013. Did her camp stiff the B-Dubs staff after the show?

Classic Content: Putting on the Escort Vest at the Abortion Clinic
When you pull on the orange vest and transform into a volunteer escort, the anti-abortion protestors immediately look at you differently.

Classic Content: One Friday Morning at the Abortion Clinic
It’s just another Friday morning at the EMW Women’s Surgical Center. It is approximately 6:50 a.m. In the relative darkness of an overcast dawn, anti-abortion protestors wait.

Remembering Walt Queen: A Real-Life Santa Who Lived Christmas
Walt “Santa” Queen passed away this week. It got me thinking about this story, which I wrote back around 2013. I post this now in honor of Walt “Santa” Queen and the joy he brought to every life he touched.
Shunned: The Story of a Former Jehovah’s Witness and His Quest to Help Others (part 2)
This is part 2 of the story of Mike Shemwell’s life and eventual departure from Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Shunned: The Story of a Former Jehovah’s Witness and His Quest to Help Others (Part 1)
When Mike Shemwell was a child, he was no different any other. He liked sports, he hung out with his brother Matt. He went to school in fall and winter months and played outdoors in the summer. He had no idea how his life would change when his family joined the Jehovah Witnesses.