The Taste Bud: The Resch’s Tavern Burger Comes as Advertised
Best cheeseburger in town? That just might be Resch’s Tavern.

‘The Pride of Clarksville:’ Theatair X and Its 50-Year Fight To Stay Open
Driving north on Interstate 65, you might drive past the basic red and white billboard and never notice it. It’s a simple logo for Theatair X, with the tagline, “The Pride of Clarksville!”

Back in Business Again, Clarksville Seafood Doesn’t Disappoint
In case you missed it, Clarksville Seafood is back open yet again. And it’s still good.
Shunned: The Story of a Former Jehovah’s Witness and His Quest to Help Others (part 2)
This is part 2 of the story of Mike Shemwell’s life and eventual departure from Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Shunned: The Story of a Former Jehovah’s Witness and His Quest to Help Others (Part 1)
When Mike Shemwell was a child, he was no different any other. He liked sports, he hung out with his brother Matt. He went to school in fall and winter months and played outdoors in the summer. He had no idea how his life would change when his family joined the Jehovah Witnesses.

April 1: Indiana Woman Still Talks About Time She Went to Louisville
Jeffersonville, Ind., resident Amy Lance is still talking about that one time when she went to Louisville, her friends report.

The Taste Bud: Revisiting Memories of Po Folks Restaurant
Who remembers Po Folks restaurant? I recently got into a conversation with a friend about the place and later decided to do a little research. You know what? Po Folks still exists.